Ensuring physical and mental well-being are some of the greatest responsibilities of Dr. B. C. Roy Engineering College Academy of Professional Courses towards the students.
Along with our hostels and dining facility, we also offer you separate gymnasiums for boys and girls to guarantee health and well-being. We acknowledge that studying endlessly for elongated hours without changing your posture can hurt your physical health. Keeping this in mind, we house well-equipped gymnasium facility that confirms a healthy body, mind and also a happy soul. We provide our students with all the possible equipment that is required to keep oneself active and healthy.
Apart from the gymnasium, we also offer a yoga and meditation centre to practice concentration and bring in the peace of mind. Considering the relentless struggle to be the best, we often avoid our mental well-being.
Meditation serves as the best remedy to help deal with mental disturbances and confirm –
Mental calmness also supports the students to increase their will to study and also upsurges the concentration level that assists them in understanding the subjects better without feeling too worked-up or tensed.