Welcome to the Academy of Professional Courses (BCREC-APC) – the Graduate School for Professional Learning and Self -discovery. BCREC,APC – is a place where ideas and imagination find a spectacular opening to grow and evolve along with the academic rigor, a place to pursue your passions and sharpen your skills to make a positive++ impact on this ever transient world.
At BCREC-APC, we teach our students to believe that nothing is beyond reach only the path needs to be strategized. WE believe Academic excellence should exist alongside, and not in place of a happy and enjoyable college life, which should be busy, productive and above all, meaningful. That's why, at BCREC-APC, we encourage you to pursue a variety of interests and passions, both inside and outside the classroom. It is an institution with a difference, an amalgamation of tradition and modernity, a blend of Indian and Western, a heritage of vision and a legacy of innovation.The curriculums of our programs are upgraded on a regular basis to meet the National and International level standards and blended with our regional needs before rolling it out to our students. As by the need of today’s generation, we have completely upgraded our system to digital education with the Learning Management Systems and virtual classroom alongside the traditional system of education.
BCREC-APC, aims at the all-round development of its students in the areas of hard and soft skills through the continuous cycles of learning, relearning and transforming. Time and again WE have witnessed that our students, stand out as ‘right professionals’ for ‘right industries’ and perhaps the best citizens in any organization they join. Our successes over the years have been possible through the “HUMANE CONNECT” established in the campus apart from the academic rigor and state-of-the art infrastructural facilities in the pursuit of imaginations. This, of course, finds its roots in the efforts of a group of able and dedicated teachers who are also liable for the development of good character and conduct in the student. We believe, the overall individuality of any student is a reflection of the standard of his/her almamater.
We, as the stewards of learning, are dedicated to grooming and nurturing the young minds into Corporate-ready professionals. Through diverse activities and focus on innovation and research, we are committed to cultivate critical thinking and creativity, inspiring lifelong passion for intellectual discovery. We teach students to develop the habits and mind-set to realize their full potential.
If you are intellectually curious, if you are determined to make it BIG, by earning a degree that will prepare you to work with people of all cultures and fulfill your dreams, We invite you to be a part of BCREC-APC, where learning has no limits.