

Dr. B. C. Roy Engineering College Academy of Professional Courses is dedicated to offering professional courses along with quality training that would help each of our students ensure a secured and successful career for themselves.

With advanced technology and student-centric facilities, we also provide our students with a well-equipped central library that serves as a world of knowledge. Our departmental library holds books and journals that not only caters to the syllabus but also nurtures the knack towards research within our students. 

We maintain a strict protocol inside our college library to make sure that none of our students is disturbing anyone present at that moment. The library is also secured under CCTV surveillance. Students are requested to – 

  • Return the book issued on time (otherwise fine will be imposed) 
  • Refrain from marking on the books 
  • Prevent tearing pages of the books 

Proper discipline and pin-drop silence confirm concentration and adequate learning. Anyone trying to break the rules will have to face the consequences. Our college library motivates self-learning which is considered the best method to obtain optimal knowledge. We also offer book banks to students and support the syllabus wise studying.